الدكتورة ريهام زكريا حمزة ، أستاذ مساعد في علم وظائف الأعضاء بقسم الأحياء - كلية العلوم - جامعة الطائف. حاصلة على جائزة الدولة التشجيعية فى العلوم الأساسية (البيولوجية) لعام 2020م ،لدي حوالي 80 بحثًا منشورًا في مجلات Scopus و ISI المفهرسة. عضو في هيئة تحرير عدد من المجلات الدولية في Sage و Science Alert و Wiley. لقد قمت بتحكيم الكثير من الأبحاث الدولية لدار النشر El-Elsevier. لديّ ثلاثة كتب منشورة (كتابان في ناشر لامبرت وكتاب في دار نشر الكتب الإكترونية) وفصل واحد في كتاب مملوك لدار نشر El-Elsevier. ركزت فى ابحاثى العلمية على مسببات الإجهاد التأكسدي في والآثار الجانبية الناجمة عن بعض الملوثات و دور البدائل الطبيعية الآمنة للتخفيف من الأضرار الخلوية. ولديّ أيضًا أبحاث عديدة عن مرض السكري واستخدام بعض متراكبات الأدوية المخلقة في تخفيف أثار هذه الأمراض والعلاج الامن..
I am Dr.Reham Zakaria Hamza .Assistant professor of physiology at Biology Department -Faculty of Science - Taif University . I have about 80 published papers in Scopus and ISI indexed Journals. I am member in the editorial board of some international journals in Sage , Science Alert and Wiley . I have reviewed more than 30 international papers for El-Sevier publisher . I have 3 published books (2 in Lambert publisher and 1 in e-electronic books) and 1 chapter in book owned to El-Sevier publisher.I focused on oxidative stress criteria in my scientific field and the side effects induced by some pollutants and the role of natural safe alternatives for alleviating theses cellular damages .Also , i have trend papers on diabetes and using some novel synthesized metal drug complexes in alleviating the series of these diseases
Curriculum VitaeDr. Reham Zakaria Moustafa Hamza University ID number | : | 4340296 |
Nationality Birth Date | : : | Egyptian 1/8/1986. |
Current work address | : | Assistant professor of physiology – Biology Department – Faculty of Science – Taif University – Taif – Saudi Arabia. |
Work address | : | Assistant professor of physiology – Zoology Department – Faculty of Science – Zagazig University – Zagazig– Egypt. |
E-mail | : | dr_reham_z@yahoo.com , reham_z@tu.edu.sa |
Phone | : | 00966531355470 - 00201154200862 |
- B.Sc. Special Zoology , May 2007 (Excellent with honor grade 87.40%) , Zoology Department , Faculty of science, Zagazig University.
- Pre-master degree in Physiology, 2008 (Excellent , 1st grade with 91.4%). Faculty of Science , Zagazig University.
- Master degree in Physiology, 2010, entitled "Possible ameliorative role of some compounds on the side effects of Avandia (Drug)". Faculty of Science , Zagazig University.
- Ph.D. degree in Physiology, 2012, entitled "Effect of some insecticide (organophosphorous compounds) on some physiological and biochemical parameters with special reference to the possible ameliorative role of some compounds on the male albino rats (Rattus rattus)".Faculty of Science , Zagazig University.
- Post doctor mission, 2013 , Heidelberg University , Faculty of pharmacy and molecular biological sciences ,
University, Faculty of Science, Zoology Department (2007).·
Assistant Lecturer: Zagazig University, Faculty of Science, Zoology Department (2010).
Lecturer: Zagazig University, Faculty of Science, Zoology Department (2012).
Assistant professor : Taif University , Faculty of Science , Biology Department (2013).
Assistant professor: Zagazig University, Faculty of Science, Zoology Department (2017).
Teaching academic courses for undergraduates and postgraduates which includes:
Animal Phys(ology.·
Enzymes and Digestion.·
Comparative animal physiology.·
Reproduction physiology mechanisms.·
Blood and immunity.·
Nutritional physiology.·
Research project and materials.·
General Biology.Research techniques:·
Good experience in handling and experimentation with experimental animals (Mice and Rats).·
Analysis of oxidative stress biomarkers.·
General chemical analysis of blood and tissues.·
Experience with processing of Histological and TEM sections.·
Performing gel-electrophoresis technique.·
Conducting organo-somatic index for tissues.·
Performing different biochemical and physiology blood analysis dealing with serum and plasma.·
Using of ELISA technique.·
Preparation of different natural extracts and performing it's biological activity.·
Performing MTT assay for confirmation cytotoxicity.·
Performing DPPH analysis , Total flavonoid and phenolic contents.·
Injection of stem cells and other stem cells applications.·
Good experience with different physiological animal models like "Diabetes , Hypertension , Hepatotoxicity , Lung toxicity ,Reproductive toxicity and neurotoxicity.Memberships , Awards and Appreciations: |
The winner of best M.Sc in Zagazig University in "Basic science " 2011.·
Prize and Certificate of Appreciation from Zagazig University for international scientific publication in international scientific journals in 2011-2012-2013-2014-2015-2016-2017-2018-2019 in Excellence days.- The winner of membership in Who’s Who encyclopedia in the World for the most effective scientific characters from 2014 to 2019 (Who’s Who, USA).
The winner of the best poster in the conference of Zoology Department –Faculty of Science – Suez Canal University 2016.- Certificate of Appreciation from Zagazig University and staff Club University in Zagazig University for obtaining scientific degrees in 2013.
Membership of Zagazig University staff committee.·
Member of international Society for Reproductive Investigation.·
Thanks and appreciation for presenting paper in initiative of Faculty of Science for scientific seminar, 1st terms 1439/1440 H with title “Synthesis and suggestion of a new nanometric gold (III) melatonin drug complex: an interesting model for testicular protection”.·
The Coordinator of Scientific unit in Faculty of Science – Taif University.·
A certificate of thanks and appreciation from the General Directorate of Education in Taif represented in the gifted management for participation in the program (healthy cities) , one of the programs of the World Health Organization in gifted management.·
Member in Editorial board of international scientific Journals and conferences |
- Editorial board member in "Clinical pathology Journal" on Sage publisher .
- Editorial member in "Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology: Science Alert publisher.
- Editorial member in "Clinical case reports" on Wiley publisher.
- Guest editor in Nutrition and Metabolic Insights journal on sage publisher.
- International organizing "Reviewing committee member for papers" participated in International Conference on Ageing and Related Diseases in October 25-27 2019, Hangzhou, China.
- International organizing "Reviewing committee member for papers" participated for the 2nd World Congress and Expo on Toxicology and Pharmacology, August 26-27,2019 in Rome, Italy.
Scientific supervision of M.Sc thesis in Taif University |
- Supervisor of scientific M.Sc thesis entitled" Biochemical, immunological and histological effects of selenium and Curcumin on liver, kidney and testes of male mice induced by sodium fluoride " for student "Afaf Ahmed Dwary" 2014.(Faculty of Science – Taif University).
- Supervisor of scientific M.Sc thesis entitled" Potential ameliorative role of silymarin and Nigella sativa extract against hepatotoxicity and oxidative stress induced by acetaminophen in male mice" for student " Tahani Abd El-Rahman Mohamed Al-Sofiani"2015 (Faculty of Science – Taif University).
- Supervisor of scientific M.Sc thesis entitled" The ameliorative effect of vitamin C and curcumin extract on oxidative stress created by malathion administration in male mice" for student " Jawaher Abdullah Mohammad Al-Ahmed" 2016.(Faculty of Science –Taif University).
- Supervisor of scientific M.Sc thesis entitled" Physiological , Histological and Molecular biological studies on the ameliorative role of selenium and L-carnitine against oxidative stress and toxcity induced by cadmium in male mice" for student "Wed AbdulRahman Al-Harthi" Faculty of Science –Taif University and the winner of 1st honour on students of postgraduate studies in Taif University 2018.
- Internal reviewer of M.Sc thesis entitled "Reguation of remylenation of mylein in central nervous system by using derived mesenchymal stem cells" for student "Mariam Abd El-Sattar". Faculty of Science –Taif University 2018.
- Supervisor of scientific M.Sc thesis entitled" Synergistic and antioxidant effects of chitosan nanoparticles, Resveratrol and Quercetin against D-galactose induced aging in male mice" for student "Mouneirah Ahmed Rahsed Al-Hazaa" Faculty of Science –Taif University and the winner of the 1st level in scientific meeting for Taif students 2019.
Scientific projects in Taif University |
- Principle investigator of scientific project funded by the deanship of scientific research in Taif University. Entitled "Evaluation of the antioxidant and anticancer potential for different extracts of Al-Taif Pomegranate (Punica granatum L). " Project number: 1-435-3627.
- Associate investigator of scientific project funded by the deanship of scientific research in Taif University. Entitled "Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of blackberry extract and selenium against toxicity induced by silicon nanoparticles in male mice". Project number:1-437-5343.
- Principle investigator of scientific project funded by the deanship of scientific research in Taif University. Entitled " Healthy applications of some compounds against side effects induced by taste flavors in children" (Future researcher intiative".
Reviewing of international scientific papers and scientific projects |
- Appreciation and certificate of reviewing paper for "Ecotoxicology and environmental chemistry" El-Sevier publisher .(ISI impact factor=4.527 ).
- Appreciation and certificate of reviewing paper for " Chemosphere" El-Sevier publisher .(ISI impact factor=5.108 ).
- Appreciation and certificate of reviewing paper for :Journal of molecular structure" , El-Sevier Publisher . (ISI impact factor= 2.120 ).
- Appreciation and certificate of reviewing paper for : Biomedicine and pharmacotherapy journal" El-Sevier publisher .(ISI impact factor= 3.743 ).
- Appreciation and certificate of reviewing paper for "Archives of medical research." El-Sevier publisher .(ISI impact factor= 1.895 ).
- Appreciation and certificate of reviewing paper for " Pathology research and practice" El-Sevier publisher .(ISI impact factor=1.794 ).
- Appreciation and certificate of reviewing paper for "Toxicology reports" El-Sevier publisher .(Scopus impact factor (Cite score) =2.73).
- Appreciation and certificate of reviewing paper for " Human and experimental toxicology" El-Sevier publisher .(ISI impact factor= 2.171 ).
- Appreciation of reviewing scientific projects in "Um Al-Qura " University , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Conferences and Workshops: |
- Participation effectively in Sixth training course "To use the scanning electron microscope"in electron microscope unit in Zagazig University.(28-29 April 2013).
- Supervisor of student" Afaf Dawary" by participation in 5th scientific research meeting in Faculty of Science – Taif University for students of high ministry of education in Saudi Arabia (1/2/1435 H).
Participation in the module entitled"Proposal writing GERLS" within DAAD kairo academic (2 May 2012).·
Attendance of training course entitled" Accredited program hours" held by the University development center in Zagazig University which is accredited internationally by European IBCT.(11-12/6/2013).·
Attendance of training course entitled" Occupational Behavior" held by the University development center in Zagazig University which is accredited internationally by European IBCT.(5-6/2/2013).- Attendance of training course entitled" Communication skills in different types of education " held by the University development center in Zagazig University which is accredited internationally by European IBCT (17-18/2/2013).
Attendance of training course entitled" The use of technology in teaching" held by the University development center in Zagazig University which is accredited internationally by European IBCT (12-13/2/2013).·
Attendance of training course entitled" Managing the dialogue and debate of the Arab Youth Project" supported by the British council 21/2/2013.- Attendance of the 1st Scientific meeting on “fundamental science and their role in progress of scientific research” that was held on 3-4 may 2015 and organized by Science faculty, Al-taif University, Saudi Arabia .
- Participation effectively in short intensive course in nanotechnology , 19 April 2015.
The 1st conference of Zoology Department , Faculty of Science – Suez Canal University (27 July 2016).- Participation in the 1st scientific meeting of Zoology Department , Faculty of Science , Suez Canal University, "Recent advances in Biological sciences "27 July 2016.
- Attendance of training course entitled" Education programs and courses specification and evaluation of learning outcomes for higher education institutes". From the national authority of Quality assurance and accreditation of education. (2-4/ August 2016).
Attendance of a workshop entitled "Reference management using Endnote" at the deanship of graduate studies at April 2017.·
International Ecology conference entitled" Basic sciences and their role in environmental protection " in Zagazig University (16 July 2017).- Presenter in the second scientific conference in Faculty of Science – Taif University (Applied research and sustainable Development in society).(24-25 April 2017).
Attendance of "Design and construction of electronic learning objects - strategies and tools" Committee of Deans of e - learning and distance education in Saudi universities submitted by King Abdulaziz University.(10/11/2018).·
Attendance of "Reference management by using Endnotes and mendely" in training and educational unit in Zagazig University , July 2018.- Attendance of E-learing training course " Tests and question banks"by E-learning platform 29/2/1440H.
- Attendance of E-learing training course " Discussions and Assessment Center" by E-learning platform 29/2/1440H.
- Attendance of E-learing training course "How to create homework and plagiarism detection tool" by E-learning platform 4/3/1440H.
- Attendance of E-learning training course "Virtual classroom system" by E-learning platform 6/3/1440H.
- International workshop by El-Sevier "Researcher academy on campus""Scival overview"24 June 2019.
- Attendance of an E-learning workshop, entitled "Academic writing and scientific publication" that was held on 31/1/2019 (Certificated by the Saudi digital library).
- Attendance of an E-learning workshop, entitled "Principles of scientific research management" that was held on 26/1/2019 (Certificated by the Saudi digital library).
Attendance of an E-learning workshop, titled Designs of mixed tools in postgraduate research that was held on 25/3/2019 (Certificated by the Saudi digital library).·
Participation in "Basics of chromatography analysis using HPLC" in 10th July 2019.·
Attendance of "Prezi program" in training and educational unit in Zagazig University , July 2019.·
Attendance of "Taif Healthy program" in Taif Governorate by international paper from "Future researcher imitative".20/1/1441H.·
Attendance of "Program and course specification" held by the deanship of development in Taif University 30 September 2019.- Blood physiology, Practical hematology and basic principles of Immunity (A peer reviewed book). International E – Publication.2018. ISBN: 978-93-84659-99-8.
- Trends in pharmaceutical Research and development ,Innovative science ,Technology , Medicine ,Humanities and commerce book publisher,2019.(New release).
- Chapter entitled " Resveratrol and nicotine toxicity " in book entitled " Oxidative Stress and Dietary Antioxidants" published by El-Sevier publisher 2019.(New release).
1.أسفل النموذج1.Reham Z.Hamza ,Samy M.El-Megharbel , T.Altalhi , Adil A.Gobouri and Ashwaq A.Alrogi (
2020) :
Hypolipidemic and hepatoprotective synergistic effects of selenium nanoparticles and vitamin. E against acrylamide-induced hepatic alterations in male albino mice.
Applied Organometallic Chemistry.e5458.
(ISI indexed Journal , I.F= 3.259).
- Reham Z. Hamza, Fawziah A. Al-Salmi, Nahla S. El-Shenawy (2019): Evaluation of the effects of the green nanoparticles zinc oxide on monosodium glutamate-induced toxicity in the brain of rats. PeerJ 7:e7460. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F= 2.353).
Hamza, R.Z. ,
Al-Baqami, N.M (2019): Testicular protective effects of ellagic acid on monosodium glutamate-induced testicular structural alterations in male rats.
Ultrastructural Pathology.43(4-5)170-183.
أعلى النموذج(ISI indexed Journal , I.F= 1.198)- Reham Z. Hamza, Shaden E. Al-Motaani, Nusrat Malik (2019): Protective and Antioxidant Role of Selenium Nanoparticles and Vitamin C Against Acrylamide Induced Hepatotoxicity in Male Mice. International journal of pharmacology. 15 (6), 664-674. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F=0.74).
Samy M. El-Megharbel, Reham Z. Hamza, Adil A. Gobouri, Moamen S. Refat (2019): Synthesis of new antidiabetic agent by complexity between vanadyl (II) sulfate and vitamin B1: Structural, characterization, anti-DNA damage, structural alterations and antioxidative damage studies. Applied organometallic chemistry .2019;e4892.
(ISI indexed Journal , I.F= 3.259).- Reham Z.Hamza, Nahla S.El-Shenawy, Rasha A.El-Eisa ,Fawziah A.Al-Salmi, Howayda E.Khaled (2019): Protective Effect of L-cysteine Against Sodium Valproate-induced Oxidant Injury in Testis of Rats. International Journal of Pharmacology 15(2):248-256. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F=0.74).
- Sayed M. Rawi, Ayed S. Al-Logmani, Reham Z. Hamza (2019): Neurological alterations induced by formulated imidacloprid toxicity in Japanese quails. Brain metabolic diseae.34(2). (ISI indexed Journal , I.F=2.411).
Reham Z. Hamza and Nagah Al-Baqami (2019): Testicular protective effects of ellagic acid on monosodium glutamate-induced testicular structural alterations in male rats. Ultrastructural pathology,43(3).
(ISI indexed Journal , I.F=1.198). 9. Helal S.H.Abu-El-Zahab, Reham Z.Hamza, Metwally M.Montaser, Magda M.El-Mahdi, Wed A.Al-Harthi (2019): Antioxidant, antiapoptotic, antigenotoxic, and hepatic ameliorative effects of L-carnitine and selenium on cadmium-induced hepatotoxicity and alterations in liver cell structure in male mice. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.173:419–428.
(ISI indexed Journal , I.F=4.527). 10.
Nahla S. El-Shenawy, Reham Z. Hamza, Fawziah A. Al-Salmi and Rasha A. Al-Eisa (2019):
Evaluation of the Effect of Nanoparticles Zinc Oxide/Camellia sinensis Complex on the Kidney of Rats Treated with Monosodium Glutamate: Antioxidant and Histological Approaches. Current pharmaceutical biotechnology 20(7): 542 – 550. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F=1.516). 11.
Fawziah A. Al-Salmi, Reham Z. Hamza and Nahla S. El-Shenawy (2019): The Interaction of Zinc Oxide/Green Tea Extract Complex Nanoparticles and its Effect on Monosodium Glutamate Toxicity in Liver of Rats. Current pharmaceutical biotechnology
7):465 - 475
. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F=1.516). 12.
Reham Z. Hamza , Eman H. AL-Thubaiti , AbdulKader Shaikh Omar (2019): The Antioxidant Activity of Quercetin and its Effect on Acrylamide Hepatotoxicity in Liver of Rats. Latin American Journal of Pharmacy. Lat. Am. J. Pharm. 38 (10).
(ISI indexed Journal , I.F=0.401). 13.
Reham Z Hamza, and Aisha A.Al-Rofaidi (2019): Protective Effect Of Resveratrol Against Hepatotoxicity Of Nicotine In Male Rat: Antioxidant And Histopathological Approaches. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences.10(2):847-854.
(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.35). 14.
Reham Z.Hamza , Rasha A.El-Eisa, Amir E.Mehana, Nahla S.El-Shenawy (2019): Effect of l-carnitine on aspartame-induced oxidative stress, histopathological changes, and genotoxicity in liver of male rats. Journal of basic and clinical physiology and pharmacology. 15;30(2):219-232.
(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=1.01). 15.
Fawziah A Al-Salmi, Reham Z Hamza and Nahla S El-Shenawy (2019): Effect of Green Tea and Zinc oxide Nanoparticles Complex on Histopathology of Spleen of Male Rats Induced by Monosodium Glutamate. Int J Hematol Oncol. 2: 04-11. .
(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.15).
16. Reham Zakaria Hamza, Nouf Salem Al-Juaid and Eman Helal Althubaiti (2018): Antioxidant effect of carnosine on aluminum oxide nanoparticles (Al2O3-NPs)-induced hepatotoxicity and testicular structure alterations in male rats. Int. J. Pharmacol.,14(5):740-750. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F=0.74).
17. RA Al-Eisa, RZ Hamza, AE Mehana, NS El-Shenawy (2018): The Influence of L-carnitine on Aspartame Toxicity in Kidney of Male Rats. International journal of Pharmacology 14 (8), 1118-1127. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F=0.74).
18. RA Al-Eisa, FA Al-Salmi, RZ Hamza, NS El-Shenawy (2018): Role of L-carnitine in protection against the cardiac oxidative stress induced by aspartame in Wistar albino rats. PloS one 13 (11), e0204913. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F=2.776).
19. SM El-Megharbel, ASA Almalki, RZ Hamza, AA Gobouri, AA Alhadhrami (2018): Synthesis and suggestion of a new nanometric gold (III) melatonin drug complex: an interesting model for testicular protection. Future medicinal chemistry 10 (14), 1693-1704. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F= 3.969).
20. Abdel Aziz A Diab, Sayed A Abd El-Aziz, Ahmed A Hendawy, Reham Z Hamza and Dalia M M Salim (2018): Synergistic Effect of antioxidants combinations (Vit A, C, E and selenium) (Antox drug) against hepatorenal toxicity induced by Sorafenib in male Albino rats. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences.9(3):844-857. .(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.35).
- Moamen S. Refat , Samy M. El-Megharbel , M.A. Hussien , Reham Z. Hamza, Mohamed A. Al-Omar , Ahmed M. Naglah , Walid M. Afifi , Mohamed I. Kobeasy (2017): Spectroscopic, structural characterizations and antioxidant capacity of the chromium (III) niacinamide compound as a diabetes mellitus drug model. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,173 (2017) 122–131. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F= 2.931).
- RZ Hamza , NS El-Shenawy (2017): The beneficial effects of L-Cysteine on brain antioxidants of rats affected by sodium valproate . Human and experimental toxicology, 36(11) (2017)1212-1221. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F=2.171).
- Reham Z. Hamza , Mohammad S. AL-Harbi , Nahla S. El-Shenawy (2017): Ameliorative effect of vitamin E and selenium against oxidative stress induced by sodium azide in liver, kidney, testis and heart of male mice. Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie,91:602–610. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F=3.743).
- Reham Z.Hamza , Howayda E. Khaled, Nahla S.El-Shenawy (2017):Protective effect of α-lipoic acid against spleen toxicity of dimethyl-nitrosamine in male mice : Antioxidant and ultrastructure approaches. Biomedicine and pharmacotherapy, 96:459-465. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F=3.743).
- Reham Z. Hamza, Helal Saad Abu-El-Zahab and Nouf Salem Al-Juaid (2017): Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Role of Resveratrol on Bisphenol A - Induced Toxicity in Rats. Toxicology International, Sept-Dec 2017 / Vol-24 / Issue-3, 292-300. (Scopus indexed journal: cite score=1.2).
- Helal S. H. Abu-El-Zahab , Reham Z. Hamza and Jawaher A. Al-Ahmed (2016): Ameliorative effect of vitamin C and curcumin on malathion induced hepatorenal toxicity in male mice. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research,8(3):990-999. (Scopus indexed journal: cite score= 0.25).
- Mohammad S. Al-Harbi and Reham Z. Hamza (2016): Potential Ameliorative Effects of Selenium and Chromium Supplementation Against Toxicity and Oxidative Stress in Streptozotocin Diabetic Rats. International journal of pharmacology , 12(5): 483-495. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F=0.74).
- Abd El-Aziz A.Diab, Reham Z .Hamza (2016): Monosodium Glutamate Induced Hepatotoxicity and the Possible Mitigating Effect of Vitamin C and Propolis. Journal of advances in medical and pharmaceutical sciences, 7 (4):1-10. (Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.35).
34. Mohammad S. Al-Harbi ,
Reham Z. Hamza (
2016): Protective effect of Resveratrol against spleen toxicity of nicotine in male rat: Antioxidant and Histopathological approaches. Toxicology International, Jan-April 2016 / Vol-23 / Issue-1
. (Scopus indexed journal: cite score=1.2). 35. Mohammad S. Al-Harbi and
Reham Z. Hamza (
2016): Protective effect of Resveratrol against spleen toxicity of nicotine in male rat: Antioxidant and Histopathological approaches. Toxicology International, Jan-April 2016 / Vol-23 / Issue-1, 79-88.
(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=1.2). 36. Reham Z. Hamza , Nahla S. El-Shenawy and Hayat A.A. Ismail (
2015): Protective effects of blackberry and quercetin on sodium fluoride-induced oxidative stress and histological changes in the hepatic, renal, testis and brain tissue of male rat . J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol,26(3) (2015) 237-251.
(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=1.2). 37. Reham Z. Hamza, Asmaa M. Abd EL-Azez, Nahed A. Hussien (
2015): Evaluation of the antioxidant potential for different extracts of Al-Taif pomegranate (Punica granatum L) induced by atrazine and malathion pesticides in liver of male albino mice. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.7(2015)89-94.
(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.25).- Samy M. El-Megharbel, Reham Z. Hamza, Moamen S. Refat (2015): Synthesis, spectroscopic and thermal studies of Mg(II), Ca(II), Sr(II) and Ba(II) diclofenac sodium complexes as anti-inflammatory drug and their protective effects on renal functions impairment and oxidative stress. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 135 (2015) 915–928. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F= 2.931).
- Samy M. El-Megharbel, Reham Z. Hamza, Moamen S. Refat (2015): Synthesis, spectroscopic, structural and thermal characterizations of vanadyl (IV) adenine complex prospective as antidiabetic drug agent. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy , 135 (2015) 850–864. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F= 2.931).
40. Amal M. F. Al-Barty , Rania S.Rashwan ,
Reham Z.Hamza (
2015): Laboratory evaluation of garlic oil against the saw toothed beetle Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.) (Coleoptera: Silvanidae), and its effect on serotonin and acetylcholinesterase levels. International journal of scientific research. 4 (2) 344-348.
- Mohammad S. AL-Harbi , Reham Z. Hamza and TahaniA.Al-Sofiani (2015): Ameliorative Roles of Silymarin and Nigella sativa on Hematological Parameters and Immunological Capacities of Male Mice Affected by Paracetamol. Biosciences Biotechnology research Asia.12(1) 379-385.(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.35).
- Reham Zakaria Hamza, Mohammad Salem Al-Harbi (2015): Amelioration of paracetamol hepatotoxicity and oxidative stress on mice liver with silymarin and Nigella sativa extract supplements. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2015; 5(7): 515-524. .(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.49).
- Nahed A.Hussien, Asmaa M. Abd EL-Azez, Reham Z. Hamza (2015): Assement of the genotoxic and mutagenic effect of Al-Taif Pomegranate punica Granatum L peel extract alone and combined with Malathion and Atrazine pesticides in liver of male albino mice. Asian journal of pharmaceutical and Clinical Research,Vol 8, Issue 4, 2015, 1-6. .(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.65 ).
- Reham Zakaria Hamza , Mohammad Salem Al-Harbi (2015): Silymarin and Nigella sativa extract ameliorate paracetamol induced oxidative stress and renal dysfunction in male mice. Asian Pac J Trop Dis 2015; 5(Suppl 1): S169-S174. .(Scopus indexed journal: cite score= 0.49).
- Reham Z. Hamza, Hayat A.A. Ismail, Howayda E. Khaled and Nahla S. El-Shenawy (2015): Antioxidant effect of L-cysteine on sodium-valproate-induced oxidative stress in rat liver: biochemical and ultrastructural approaches. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 97(8): 1041-1056. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F=1.095).
- Mohamed A. Kamel, Reham Z.Hamza , Nora E. Abdel-Hamid and Fagr A. Mahmoud (2014): Anti-ulcer and Gastro Protective Effects of Fenugreek, Ginger and Peppermint Oils in experimentally induced Gastric Ulcer in Rats . Journal of chemical and pharmaceutical research. 6(2).430-472. .(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.35).
- Reham Z. Hamza and Mohammad S. AL-Harbi (2014): Sodium Fluoride Induced Neurotoxicity and Possible Antioxidant Role of Selenium and Curcumin in Male Mice. Biosciences, Biotechnology research asia, 11(1):81-87. .(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.35).
- Mohammad S. AL-Harbia, Reham Z. Hamza and Afaf A. Dwary (2014): Ameliorative effect of selenium and curcumin on sodium fluoride induced hepatotoxicity and oxidative stress in male mice. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 6(4):984-998. .(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.35).
52. Mohammad S. AL-Harbi,
Reham Z. Hamza and Afaf A. Dwary (
2014): Immunotoxic effect of sodium fluoride and the mitigating effect of selenium and curcumin in male mice.Biosciences, Biotechnology research Asia, 11(1): 27-33.
- Reham Z. Hamza , Amal M. F. Al-Barty and Rania S. Rashwan (2014): Evaluation of Toxic Effect of Methylamine Avermactin on Malondialdhyde Activity in the Rice Red weevil Sitophilus oryzae L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Stored Rice Grains. Biosciences, Biotechnology research Asia, 11(1), 295-299 .(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.25).
55. Reham Z. Hamza , Amal M. F. Al-Barty and Rania S. Rashwan (
2014): Effectiveness of Radiant SC 12% on superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities in storage pest Rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae L. International Journal of Farming and Allied Sciences, Vol., 3 (5): 603-610.
56. Reham Z. Hamza , Amal M. F. Al-Barty and Rania S. Rashwan (
2014): Effectiveness of Radiant SC 12% on Glutathione S- transferase and total protein in storage pest Rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and its toxicological efficiency.as International Journal of Farming and Allied Sciences, Vol., 3 (4): 413-418.
- Hayat A. A. Ismail, Reham Z. Hamza and Nahla S. El-Shenawy (2014): Potential Protective Effects of Blackberry and Quercetin on Sodium Fluoride-induced Impaired Hepato-renal Biomarkers, Sex Hormones and Hematotoxicity in Male Rats. Journal of Applied Life Sciences International .1(1): 1-16.
- Rania S. Rashwan, Amal M. F. Al-Barty, Reham Z. Hamza (2014): Insecticidal potential of the bioagent radiant sc 12% against stored rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae L. (Curculionidae: coleoptera). Egypt. Acad. J. Biolog. Sci., 7(2): 29 – 37.
- Mohammad Salem Al-Harbi, Reham Zakaria Hamza, Afaf Ahmed Dwari (2014): Sodium fluoride induced antioxidant defense impairment and impaired renal biomarkers and the ameliorative role of selenium and curcumin in male mice. Asian Pac J Trop Dis., 4(Suppl 2): S990-S997. .(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.49).
- Abd El-Aziz A. Diab, Mansour H. Zahra, Ahmed A. Hendawy, Reham Z. Hamza and Gehad A. Mekky (2014): Hepatoprotective Effect of
- (Punicagranatum L) extract against toxicity induced by Atrazine and Malathion pesticides in male albino mice. Journal of chemical and pharmaceutical research, 6(10): 807-817. .(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.35).
- Reham Z.Hamza, Abd El-Aziz. A. Diab , El-Sayed A. Abd El-Aziz and Ahmed A. Hendawy (2014):Hyperglycemic effect of chlorpyrifos and profenofos and possible ameliorative role of propolis and ginseng. Advance in Agriculture and Biology; 1(4):101-108.
- RehamZ.Hamza , Abd El-Aziz A. Diab , El-Sayed A. Abd El-Aziz and Ahmed A. Hendawy (2013):Immunotoxic effect of chlorpyrifos and profenofos and possible ameliorative role of propolis and ginseng. Bioscience and Biotechnology research Asia; 10(2) 645-651. .(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.25).
- Abd El-Aziz A.Diab , Mansour H.Zahra , Mohamed F.Dowidar ,Reham Z.Hamza and Safaa A.El-Sherbiny (2013): Some physiological studies on the effect of heat stress on Albino rats (RattusRattus) .Egyptian journal of Applied Sciences; 28(9).461-487.
- Reham Z.Hamza (2013): Protective Role of Black Berry Juice against Hepatotoxcity and Reproductive Toxicity of Chlorpyrifos in Male Rats. Bioscience and Biotechnology research Asia; 10(2):961-971. .(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.49).
- Abd El-Aziz A. Diab , El-Sayed A. Abd El-Aziz , Ahmed A.Hendawy , Mansour H. Zahra and Reham Z.Hamza (2012): Antioxidant Role of both Propolis and Ginseng against Neurotoxicity of Chlorpyrifos and Profenofos in Male Rats. Life Science Journal; 9(3): 987-1008.(ISI indexed Journal, I.F=0.98).
- Abd El-Aziz A. Diab, El-Sayed A. Abd El-Aziz, Ahmed A. Hendawy and Reham Z. Hamza (2012):Possible Ameliorative Role of Propolis and Ginseng against Hepatotoxicity of Chlorpyrifos and Profenofos in Male Rats. Journal of American Science; 8(8):645-664. .(ISI indexed Journal, I.F=0.50).
- Ahmed A. Hendawy, Mansour H. Zahra, El-Sayed A. Abd El-Aziz, Abd El-Aziz A. Diab, Reham Z.Hamza (2012):Ameliorative Role and Antioxidant Effect of Propolis and Ginseng against Reproductive Toxicity of Chlorpyrifos and Profenofos in Male Rats. Life Science Journal; 9(3):2557-2567. .(ISI indexed Journal, I.F=0.98).
- Abd El-Aziz A. Diab , Mansour H.Zahra, Ahmed A.Hendawy , Samih I El-Dahmy and Reham Z Hamza (2010): Possible ameliorative role of some compounds on the side effects of Avandia (Drug) , Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia ; (7):139-151. (Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.35).
- Ahmed A. Hendawy, Mansour H. Zahra and Reham Z. Hamza (2010): Possible ameliorative role of some compounds on the side effects of Rosiglitazone. Zagazig journal of Pharmaceutical sciences ; 19(1):24-34.
- Ahmed A. Hendawy, MansourH. Zahra and Reham Z. Hamza (2010): Role of some Compounds in ameliorating some Hematological parameters and lactic dehydrogenase activity in rats treated with Rosiglitazone. Zagazig journal of Pharmaceutical sciences; 19(2):30-38.
Special Works1-Vice coordinator of Quality assurance unit for General Biology Program – Biology Department – Faculty of Science –Taif University. |
LANGUAGESMother tongue : Other Languages English : French : | Arabic. (Reading /writing/Speaking) :Excellent , TOEFL –IBT. (Reading /writing/Speaking): Very Good. |
21. Abdel Aziz A Diab, Sayed A Abd El-Aziz, Ahmed A Hendawy, Reham Z Hamza and Dalia M M Salim (2018): Protective Effect of Antioxidants Combinations (Vit A, C, E and Selenium) (Antox Drug) against Oxidative Stress and Cellular Toxicity Induced by Sorafenib in Male Albino Rats . Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2018, 10(3):43-50. .(Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.35).
22. Reham Z. Hamza, Hayat A.A. Ismail and Nahla S. El-Shenawy (2017): Oxidative stress, histopathological and electron microscopically alterations induced by dimethylnitrosamine in renal male mice and the protective effect of α–lipoic acid. Journal of basic and clinical physiology and pharmacology,28(2) 149. (Scopus indexed journal: cite score=1.01).
26. Reham Z Hamza and Nahla S El-Shenawy (2017): Resveratrol Attenuates the Nicotine-Induced Neurotoxicity in Rats. Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences,1(2) (2017) 25-36. (Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.24).
33. Nahla S. El-Shenawy, Reham Z. Hamza, Hayat A.A. Ismail and Howayda E. Khaled (2016): Efficacy of α-lipoic Acid Against Oxidative Stress and Histopathological Changes Induced by Dimethylnitrosamine in Liver Male Mice. American Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular biology. 6(3)102-112. (Scopus indexed journal: cite score=0.35).
45. El-Megharbel SM, Hamza RZ, Refat MS, Al-Omar MA, Naglah AM (2015): Effect of Indomethacin and its complexes on reproductive performance and oxidative stress in testis and stomach of male albino rats with reference to their chemical characterizations. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. Jul-Sep;29(3):619-36. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F=1.558).
47. Amal M. F. Al-Barty and Reham Z. Hamza (2015): Larvicidal , antioxidant activities and perturbation of transminases activities of titanium dioxide nanoparticles synthesized using Moringa oleifera leaves extract against the red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus). European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research ,2(6), 49-54.
49. Samy M. El-Megharbel , Reham Z. Hamza, Moamen S. Refat (2014): Preparation, spectroscopic, thermal, antihepatotoxicity, hematological parameters and liver antioxidant capacity characterizations of Cd(II), Hg(II), and Pb(II) mononuclear complexes of paracetamol anti-inflammatory drug. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 131 : 534–544. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F=2.931).
50 62. Nahla S. El-Shenawy, Mohammad S. AL-Harbi, Reham Z. Hamza (2014):Effect of vitamin E and selenium separately and in combination on biochemical, immunological and histological changes induced by sodium azide in male mice. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology , 67 (2014) 65–76. (ISI indexed Journal , I.F=1.92).
51. Reham Z. Hamza, Mohammad S. AL-Harbi (2014): Monosodium glutamate induced testicular toxicity and the possible ameliorative role of vitamin E or selenium in male Rats. Toxicology Reports. 1 (2014) 1037–1045. (Scopus indexed Journal , I.F=2.73)